Saturday, February 2, 2013

Lots o' Worship!

I'm sure I've mentioned on here before that I'm at a non-parish based internship site.  I think this makes me the only ELCA intern who is not formally attached to a congregation.  When I knew that I was coming to Pine Ridge, I will admit that I was a tad worried that I wouldn't have worship opportunities.

It has been QUITE the opposite.

In addition to all of the daily programming that we do with retreat groups and community members, we host worship for the children two nights a week.  The kids are here every night, but the other nights are only for "safe play."  In addition to this, we lead worship services at St. John's Episcopal Church twice a month and Cohen Home, an assisted living facility, twice a month as well.  Then, we plug in wherever we can assist in other communities.

Tomorrow, I'll be preaching/leading the service at Makasan Presbyterian Church in the morning, St. John's Episcopal Church in the afternoon and Cohen Home in the evening.  As I sat at my desk this morning putting together the three services, I just started to laugh.

Here's the pile of resources that I used and will use for tomorrow's services:
The black binder is the worship binder that I've created to hold all of our various services.  Then, my Harper Collins Study Bible, complete with my scribbled margin notes of profound thoughts by the great Ralph Klein, the Evangelical Lutheran Worship hymnal, the With One Voice hymnal, the Lakota Presbyterian hymnal--Dakota Odowan, the Episcopalian Lakota hymnal--Wakan Cekiye Odowan and the Book of Common Prayer.

Not pictured: my sermon manuscript, past worship plans for the various services, Bible commentaries and the Internet.

All of the items in that picture will go with me to these services tomorrow as I move from congregation to congregation and from denomination to denomination.  While I'm not at a "parish-based internship site," I think I'm getting my share of worship planning and leading, as well as preaching.  And hey, what other ELCA Intern can immediately find the various services in the Book of Common Prayer and sing the Doxology in Lakota?

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